British Pakistan Psychiatrists Association

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The new elected executive committee will take over the responsibilities at our 14th AGM in 2015, Inshallah.

Election Schedule

1. Nomination papers to be emailed to membership in the week beginning 21 July 2014.
2. Nomination papers and personal profile to be sent to election coordinator Dr Akmal Makhdum –  Deadline 10 August 2014
3.  Treasurer would display/circulate eligible voters by 15th August 2014
4.  Successful nominees (those whose dues are cleared and are eligible for the post) would be displayed on BPPA website by 20th August 2014
5.  Electoral ballot papers would be sent to eligible voters by 25 August 2014, 1st class unregistered post.  No duplicates would be sent under all or any circumstances.
6.  Duly and properly filled ballot papers must be received (regardless of any mitigating or otherwise delays) by election coordinator by 5th September 2014
7.  Election results would be declared on the website on 10th September 2014
8.  Formal declaration would be made at the 13th BPPA AGM  on 13 September 2014


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