Who We Are?
About BPPAs
The British Pakistani Psychiatrists Association (BPPA) is an association of Psychiatrists and allied mental health professionals in Britain of Pakistani heritage and cultural affiliation.
BPPA is a forum to represent and share the individual and collective views of its members to promote social and academic development among one another and with the wider British Society.
BPPA is at the forefront of offering its members job and career counselling, training and voicing the needs of trainees in Psychiatry.
The creation of the BPPA was one that began as a matter of importance, particularly when British Pakistani psychiatrists began to feel to lose their identity and their say on issues important to their future and working lives. Surviving in a society that accords massive opportunities and challenges, survival can be stressful especially with dignity and parity. There is a constant need for everyone to be part of a larger, vocal, support network, like a union, a spokes-body for one’s aspirations, protection and assistance. That was why the trade union movement started. That was why human beings chose to live in groups and had alliances with each other. British Pakistani psychiatrists needed to have such alliances and representation. However, there was the desire but there was neither time nor resources to build this support network. Of course some attempts were made but those collapsed due to internal conflicts and divisions. Yet, there were always opportunities to meet at various conferences and forums, periodically, which gave us- British Pakistani psychiatrists, a sense of camaraderie and support.
The executive team gelled in developing new ideas and initiatives. For instance, BPPA:
- Pioneered the idea of joint working with Indian, Sri Lankan and Arab psychiatrists and proposed setting up a joint committee.
- Pioneered in setting up an umbrella organization of all British Pakistani physicians in Britain, called BPPA.
- It started to liaise with BAPIO and other organizations; especially the royal college to pursue it aims objectives of forwarding the interests of the BPPA membership.
- It proposed various strategies to the College to address the issue of SAS and locum doctors.
- It proposed a clearing house system to the Chief Executive of the NHS for dealing with PLAB doctors.
- The BPPA is a dynamo of ideas: responsive, reactive, pre-emptive, and principled. When the 7/7 terrorist atrocity occurred, BPPA members were key in organizing a vigil for peace in London, which was covered by numerous international media sources.
- It is the only recognized and representative association recognized by the government of Pakistan and the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
- It is also the representative group on the Ethnic Psychiatrists Committee and on the ABPPA’s Standing Committee.
- It has held four major national conferences and collaborated in arranging the largest ever gathering of psychiatrists in the UK, titled "A Great Partnership" in 2004.
- Among its publications, it regularly prints its newsletter, now called BPPAnama.
- It has close links with the Family Physicians Association of Pakistan and is cooperating in the organization of its 2005 conference.
- It is planning to collaborate in arranging the next conference of the Pakistan Psychiatric Society in Lahore in 2006.
- It is seeking a closer working relationship with psychiatrists in the USA and APPNA, amongst many of its other initiatives in the UK and Pakistan.
In summary, BPPA has three major areas of work:
- Peer support and representing British Pakistani psychiatrists;
- Influencing UK health policy and process so British- Pakistani psychiatrists are not excluded, becoming a pressure group;
- Uniting in action, with other associations so we are not split and lose out, as had happened historically.
Other purposes are to work closely with the royal college and other bodies like GMC and PMETB, the NHS and department of Health; work closely with the Pakistan High Commission, to make matters easier for its members in particular and all others in general. It has proposed various ideas to the government of Pakistan, the health planners in Pakistan, to show another side of the picture, with an international view in mind. It is in communication with Pakistani medical institutions to develop international faculty. It is a new association, but has come far in this short time. It has pioneered many constructive initiatives, nationally and internationally. It is proud of its tradition of proactive engagement with the wider society and to make our living experience better, in the country of our choice, our adopted country: Britain, while trying to improve life in Pakistan.
- To keep a database of all such Psychiatrists in the UK, Ireland, and other countries in Europe.
- To have a website for better communication and to provide an opportunity for British Pakistani psychiatrists to contact others.
- To arrange periodic get-togethers for its members.
- To provide a forum for the members to establish academic, professional, and social links with other associations.
- To provide information to junior psychiatrists wishing to pursue their careers in the United Kingdom.
- To provide advice and guidance to governmental, professional, and other non-statutory bodies on relevant issues.
- To undertake whatever is deemed appropriate by the executive of the association, in any field or any sphere.
1. Under the above entitled name, and for the objectives expressed, the Association shall have the power and authority to make rules/regulations, to alter, amend and change the same and to do everything needful for its good maintenance, support and viability. It shall be and is empowered to hold, lease, receive, purchase and convey all manners of property, both real and personal, accept and receive donations, legacies and bequests; to borrow or lend money; to invest its funds as it so chooses; to own, publish, conduct, and circulate such literature as will further its expressed purposes; to name and appoint such managers and employees as its interests and convenience may require; and otherwise to do and perform all acts and things requisite and necessary to carry out the aims and objectives of this Association.
2. The membership of the Association will include all eligible trainee or trained psychiatrists, in training or career positions, subscribing to the objectives of the Association and residing in the UK, Ireland or any other European. Membership will be confirmed and continued after payment of dues. The members shall have all dues paid and shall be entitled to all of the privileges of the Association including the right to vote and hold office. A member must comply with the rules and regulations of the Association. There shall be no discrimination on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race or ethnic origin in the membership of the Association. Being a Pakistani psychiatrist is a state of mind and not of existence, it is a preference and if others wish to become members, they would not be hindered in any respect.
3. All members shall pay full dues as determined by the Executive Committee and approved by the general body. The term of the annual dues shall be from 1 January to 31st December. Any member whose dues are not paid by 1 March will be considered in arrears and will not be eligible to hold office in the Association, but may vote as long as all dues are paid prior to elections.
- The Executive Committee shall be the governing body of the BPPA and consist of Executive members from all regions of the RCPsych UK.
- The Committee shall be responsible for the management of all matters pertaining to the association, including financial affairs and funds of the association.
- The Committee shall fix the date and place of meetings.
- It shall create and authorize the appointment of standing and ad-hoc committees and maintain an up-to-date directory of members.
- The Committee shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all financial and pertinent records.
- The Chair, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall establish subcommittees on important strategic issues and determine the tenure and membership of these subcommittees.
1. The executive committee would meet regularly, not less than three times a year. The executive, through the secretary, would arrange these meetings and dates circulated in advance. Decisions would be either with consensus or majority. The executive committee will meet every 4 months or three times a year, but for any urgent/important issue, chairperson, with secretary, can convene any extra meeting. The minutes of the meetings will be available to its members if requested. Meetings may be held, on the web, by net meeting.
2.The office holders in executive committee members (ECMs) will be elected every four years and others, every three years. All of the ECMs shall serve until their successors are elected and installed. Each ECM shall maintain permanent residence in the UK during his/her tenure.
3. Including patron, Chairperson, Secretary/Treasurer and executive members.
4. Any executive member unable to attend two consecutive meetings would be asked to explain why he/she may not be replaced by the executive, due to repeated absence. In the presence of a satisfactory explanation, as deemed by the majority of the executive, allowance may be made for the absences. In case of three consecutive absences, the post would be automatically deemed vacant and, at the discretion of the chair, a nominee would be appointed to the post for the first 12 months and there would be a further extension, at the discretion o f the majority of the committee. The executive post shall be declared vacant by the committee when an officer resigns or leaves the UK without prearrangement with the executive or becomes disabled to carry out duties of the office for reasons of health or otherwise. If the executive committee post becomes vacant, the executive committee will nominate a temporary successor for the un-expired term.
5. These nominations will be sent to all members for vote. All members shall have the right to vote. All elections shall be by a postal/electronic ballot. A simple majority of the votes cast is necessary to elect. The executive committee would appoint an election panel/officer, to conduct elections and monitor the elections. The Election panel will open/count the votes at least within a week before the AGM. Its results will be announced at the AGM by the chairperson.
6. All ordinary members will be eligible for nomination to any post in the executive committee. 30 days notice will be given to send nominations. There shall be at least one nominee for each position. A member can nominate himself/herself or nominated by other member (with the agreement of the nominee). All nominees will be asked to submit their introductory statement, not exceeding 200 words and their photograph to the executive committee.
7. No candidate shall be elected to any office for more than two consecutive terms.
- To perform all acts and transact all business for and on behalf of the Association.
- To manage the funds of the Association and conduct the affairs, works, and activities of the Association except as may be otherwise provided for in these regulations.
- To authorize and appoint such sub-committees as are necessary to carry out the work of the Association.
- To fill in any vacancies in a committee not otherwise provided for in these regulations.
- To fix the date and place of events, the AGM, and make all appropriate arrangements.
- To supervise and oversee all the Association’s activities.
- To adopt measures in support of its members to uphold the aims and objectives of the Association.
- To perform such other duties as may be required by the AGM or other rules of the Association.
1. The Chairperson shall be the executive member of the Association. The duties of the chairperson shall include the following:
- To chair the meetings and the AGM of the Association.
- To be the official and standing representative of the association.
- To direct the working of the association, as the principal policy and executive officer.
- To be the publishing chief editor of the newsletter of the association.
- To chair all meetings of the Executive Committee.
- To appoint all future committees of the Association, subject to approval by the Executive Committee (such as Election Committee, IT/website, Newsletter, project work, etc.).
- To represent or nominate a representative at other meetings, home or abroad.
2. The duties of the Secretary shall include the following:
- To serve as the conducting and recording officer of the Executive Committee and the AGM.
- To supervise and maintain preparation of and a permanent record of all official minutes of the Association meetings.
- To serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
- To supervise and maintain an up-to-date record/data of the members residing in the United Kingdom and other European countries, including names, addresses, telephone numbers, specialty, and e-mail addresses.
- To supervise all arrangements for the holding of each meeting in compliance with the constitution and regulations and instructions of the Executive Committee.
- To send out all official notices of meetings, committee appointments, special committee assignments, and elections to office.
- To notify members in the UK or other European countries about dues, dues-reminders, etc.
- To perform such other duties that may be required of him/her by the AGM, the Executive, and the Chairman.
- To communicate with its members on the AGM, elections, any proposed changes, and dissolution if required.
- To ensure safe record keeping of all matters and documents pertaining to the Association.
- To make and take urgent decisions only after approval and consultation with the Chairman and subsequent approval of the Executive.
3. This person would be appointed for short term projects, nominated by the secretary, approved by the chair and by the executive, to undertake a task, as specified in the project. The tenure of the post would be a maximum of 6 months.
- To organize and manage social and other events and functions agreed by the Executive Committee.
- To perform such other duties that may be required of them by the Chairperson, Executive Committee, and the AGM.
- To raise funds, including sponsorships, from different sources.
- To suggest sub-committees to raise funds and sponsorships where appropriate.
4. The duties of the Executive Members shall include the following:
- To serve as members of the Executive Committee.
- To enlist new members and encourage participation of psychiatrists.
- To perform such other duties that may be required of them by the Chairperson, Executive Committee, and general body.
- To work to targets as given by the Executive or by the Chairperson.
- To present a budget at the Annual General Meeting.
- To render a report to the Executive Committee reviewing the Association's funds and imparting recommendations for advancements in the Association’s interests at each meeting of the Executive Committee or when required by the Chairperson.
5. This post would be held by the secretary, unless specifically decided by the secretary to relinquish it, due to workload, with the approval of the executive. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all the invested funds such as membership dues, sponsorships etc. He/she shall accountable, through the committee to the Association. The duties of the Treasurer shall include the following:
- To conduct all financial affairs of the Association.
- To act as custodian and transfer for all monies and securities subject to approval by the Executive Committee.
- To collect all annual membership dues, donations, and such monies that may be due to the Association.
- To draw, sign, and send all vouchers for payment.
- To make available for audit all records and transactions of the Association to the nominated auditors one month before the AGM.
- To serve as a member of the Executive Committee.
- To present an annual report at the Annual General Meeting.
- To present a budget at the Annual General Meeting.
- To render a report to the Executive Committee reviewing the Association's funds and imparting recommendations for the advancements of the Association’s interest at each meeting of the Executive Committee or when required by the Chairperson.