From: BPPA
Date: 23 July 2015 at 17:48
Subject: 15th BPPA Annual Conference September 2015
Dear friends Assalam-o-alaikukm
Now that the Eid festivities are over, it is time to get ready for our next annual event on 12 & 13 September at the Leicester Marriott Hotel. As you know, this year we are again joined by our Arab colleagues from BAPA and for the first time, a British Iranian Psychiatrists Association is also using our platform to organise themselves and join us at the scientific program.
As always, the conference promises to be an excellent academic and social event and the theme this year is Trauma, Resilience, and Mental Health on day one and Muslim Contribution to Psychiatry on Day 2. Details have been up- loaded on the website and you can now register for the conference, on line. The conference will be eligible for 9 CPD hours, subject to your peer group approval.
May I request you all to Please,
- update your membership to qualify for the members registration fees by visiting the BPPA website. Updated members list is also available on the site. Please note, as previously announced, the membership fees has increased since 1st July.
- register for the conference on-line via Paypal or through internet bank transfer. Account details available on the website. Please note the last date for registration is 8th September. Unfortunately we will not be registering delegates on the day.
- book your rooms by calling the hotel directly on 01162820100 and choose option 2, option 1. Please quote Ref. BPPA.We only had 50 rooms available at this rate and these are being allocated on a first cum first basis. With this being a joint conference, we expect the demand will be high.
Non BPPA members are welcome to attend the conference so please feel free to invite your colleagues to an excellent scientific program. The registration fees for non members is £110.
Last but not the least, it give me great pleasure to confirm that World renowned Pakistani singer and musician, Jawad Ahmad ( will be performing live that evening along with famous Syrian Kanun player, Maya Youssef ( ) to make this another memorable family evening.
So please register for the conference by visiting the BPPA website and we look forward to seeing you and your family on the 12 September.
Kind regards
Dr Mateen Durrani
Chairman BPPA